it's a boy!

Brie planned to have her baby at the birth center but after the Midwives heard decelerated heart tones a few times, they made the decision to transfer to the hospital. This decision is not taken lightly and a 30 minute drive to the hospital was quite the adventure as her water broke getting out of the car! She progressed in her labor at the hospital where I was able to convince both security guards and the nurse staff that I was meant to be there. Despite the change of plans, this Momma had clearly prepared as she was able to beautifully focus on her breath and ignore the rest of what was going on around her. It was obvious she had prepared for this moment!

Brie and her partner Avi had decided during pregnancy to keep the gender a surprise, so when Silas was born, they were surprised! The old wives tales they'd been told had convinced them baby would be a girl. Silas came into the world early in the morning as the hospital was quiet and there was a thick fog outside. He was perfect and had the most beautiful long chord! He almost immediately latched and breastfed for an hour, right after birth. Such a moment of wonderment as even the nurse staff was impressed! I visited soon after they were back in their home to take a few more images of baby with his new family and was grateful for a front row seat with these two as they became parents.